Contact Us

Have questions or need more information? We would love to hear from you. See our options below for general inquiries, support, or to discuss how we can assist with your advertising needs.

Company Details And Accounts

Warner Bros. Discovery NZ

Discovery NZ Limited
(Warner Bros. Discovery) 


3 Flower St
Eden Terrace 1021

Postal Address

Private Bag 92624
Symonds Street
Auckland 1150    


(+64) 09 9289000

Making a formal complaint

If you want to make a formal complaint about content you have seen or heard on one of our TV channels, ThreeNow, HGTV, Bravo or one of our websites submit it here:

Submit Complaint

Find more information about the Broadcasting Standards we apply, here:

Broadcasting Standards

You can find more information about the Principles we apply for our online content:

Online Principles

Technical Issue?

If you would like to let us know about a technical issue, please submit this form:

Submit Here

ANZ Sales Contacts


Get in touch with our friendly sales team

General Enquiries:

Sales Enquiries

Karey Walker:

Advertising Traffic Contacts

Advertising Traffic

Amendments to material outside the hours of 8.30am to 5.30pm should be directed through the following:

Digital Advertising Traffic

Television Advertising Traffic

On-call person (rostered)
+64 021 472 571